Sunday, June 29, 2008

2. godly incarnation; it rains, pours, overflows grace.

the skies graciously smile down
upon a barren, famished earth
to liberally bless with grace
it had been eons since
the gods had graced this world system
much perverse evil has come to reign
& we are extremely fortunate
to witness never-before glory
universal salvation having been initiated
so will you be among
the discerning, deserving, lucky ones
or doubt, rebel, err, suicide?
your fate remains your choice
the only way is sincerity
god finally renders just desserts

Monday, June 16, 2008

1. God's Compassionate Help.

Radhasoami Dayal Ki Daya
Radhasoami Sahai
May Compassionate Radhasoami Shower His Grace
May Radhasoami Help